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Project: PROCEED decision support tool: Understanding preferences in the elective induction of labor. This tool is used by physicians and researchers at UCSF and UMass who collaborated on a study measuring the attitude toward, and safety of, vaginal delivery following a cesarean. Planned cesarean deliveries are costly and involve higher maternal risk and recovery. This tool allows patients to educate themselves and measure their own personal risk in pursuing a natural delivery following a prior c-section.


My role: I was the sole designer on the project, designing both the user experience and creating all icons and graphics. I then partnered with the developers, who implemented the design into an interactive tool used one-on-one with researchers and expecting mothers who had previously delivered by c-section.


Designing the user experience: Of utmost importance was the need for the content to be informative and not persuasive. To accomplish this, the information is presented in split screen, with information on elective c-section and vaginal delivery appearing simultaneously. The user first reads through a series of questions and explanations on both options. Next, she enters information about herself, and using a custom algorithm, her personalized safety statistics regarding the are given.


Establishing tone:  Traditional pharma look and feel vs modern design.
The client wanted exploration of traditional pharmaceutical collateral. I suggested testing both this approach and a more contemporary, icon-driven execution. The latter tested better and we pursued this option.


Data visualization: Designing the output data as clear and approachable. The resulting statistics were complex and potentially alarming. We needed a design where the user could navigate through SIX data sets of infant/maternal risks associated with each of the two delivery options. The data was presented as relative to 1,000 women studied, and we tested different ways to represent this large number without looking cluttered or confusing.


Result: Showing infant/mother statistics separately, but simultaneously for each risk category was the solution that tested best. With assistance from the developer team, I designed the results pages as overlays, which allowed the users to view only the information that was pertinent to their interest or individual circumstance. This also allowed for quick access to relevant information, less confusion, and exit and entry into specific data points at any time during the experience.


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